Sunday morning, I literally woke up to the smell of bacon in the house. I dressed and went downstairs where a found a neatly set table and a husband slaving over a stove.....that's like a woman's version of turn-on. hehee..
My very own mushroom, onion, spinach, and tomato omelet. Does he know what I like or what?!
My boys who make me happy and proud to be a mama every day.
They all had things to give me that they had made. Never mind my hairdo...I said I got dressed, I didn't say I looked nice.
Tony's card said his mom is 40 yrs. old. Oh, brother....
Tanner's card made up for it when I read that he thought his mom weighed 30 pounds.
Best thing I'll ever do in my life is be a mom. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
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