"Tell your children of Him, and let your children tell their children, and their children to another generation." Joel 1:3

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wii quit

Wii are done trying to explain to the boys that if they don't take care of their things, they won't HAVE any things. Wii are tired of them losing, breaking, and throwing their things. It shouldn't matter if Wii paid for it or if they did themselves. It shouldn't matter how MUCH Wii paid for something.....whether $5 or $500 it should still be taken care of. Wii talk to them about respecting their things and Wii try and teach them to be grateful for what they have.....yet it seems Wii just continue to fall on deaf ears. Soooo.....Wii will be instilling some serious consequences.
This is what Wii went downstairs to tonight.

Notice how from every angle it looks like a pig sty....

No place is safe from their madness....

Wii want you to pay particular attention to the Wii components just laying around....

...like an old rag that no one cares about or some old popcorn that has gone stale. Who cares....why does it matter....

....it's just a game, right? We got it from Santa, so it's not like mom and dad paid $500 for the console, extra remotes, guitar, and games....nah....doesn't matter....

Would you believe they are actually SURPRISED when their games, CD's, and DVD's don't work and are scratched...Hmm....go figure.

This ends today.....

From now on, when you disrespect your things, Wii take them away....

Say buh-bye to the Wii, boys. You won't be seeing until after Halloween. Obviously taking it away for a day or even a weekend isn't enough for you to learn a lesson.....so it's gone for 3 weeks. Wii will not miss the mess, Wii will not miss the argueing over games, and Wii will not let you have it back until you have proven you can be more responsible. Good luck!


Last night I had a client, who is a nurse, tell me that she thought Tanner would be feeling much better by today. I was hopeful, but when I got home and saw him still thowing up and with a fever...I wasn't so sure. His new symptom was this terrible cough, worse than it's been the past few days. The kind that makes you almost gag cuz you're coughing so hard. I was sure he wouldn't be able to really sleep with that going on, but he actually did really well. He only woke up once and I gave him a drink...other than that he slept a long time and didn't get up until after 9am. This morning, he is still coughing, but he is really looking more like himself. The fever has broke, he ate something and kept it down, and his headache is gone. Thank you God....he was so sick, poor thing. So far...and I say this with fingers crossed....no one else has gotten sick, including me which is a miracle considering all his bodily fluids I've been in contact with over the past 4 days.
Jason and I had been planning on going out to dinner for a date night before our Couples in Christ group gets together on Sunday, but with Tanner being sick we weren't sure we could. Well, we are going to and then hopefully make a trip to Target if the boys aren't tearing the house apart by then. As long as he is still feeling okay, we're gonna try it. Wish us luck.