I sent the oldest 4 off yesterday and it was very strange. All these years and I slowly have to say goodbye to them one at a time, little by little..hoping that the things they've learned at home will carry through to their school day. Respecting others, respecting their teachers, showing kindness, being humble, sticking up for others, sticking up for their brothers, being a leader rather than a follower...letting God's love show through them. Okay, so maybe that's alot to ask a little kid to do...but we do the best we can and hope they do their best while away from home.
I'm really very proud of them.
Tony on his first day of kindergarten at Epiphany.
My boys. Aww... Tyler was totally embarrassed by having his picture taken. It didn't help that the high school kids were on the corner nearby. Oh, the horror.
Oh, and a P.S.....I got a call from Sand Creek Elementary yesterday morning at about 10am. It was the attendance person asking where Tony was....Um...at Epiphany....for school....HA! I had to laugh. I told her that I had told them back in the spring that he wouldn't be going there. Kinda funny....he must have had his class and his name on a desk and by a coat hook and everything. Whoops.