Rather than do our marriage lesson for the month, we get together on a Saturday evening and just have some fun.
Joy and Matt hosted and I got there a bit early to help set up because we did fondue and no one else had ever done it before.
It was such a good meal and fun to see everyone enjoy it so much. I think we may have started a tradition for our Christmas party.
We have gotten to really love these guys. They are so amazing and we feel very blessed to have met them.
When we were done eating.....almost 2 hours later.....the word full doesn't quite do it justice.
The guys passed out from the overeating...
The girls pretended to listen to Joy explain all her family's ornaments while trying not to pass out with the boys.
**hehe....just kidding, Joy**
After playing some board games for a while, we decided to brave some dessert.
No one was hungry for it, but let's face it....if it smells good and it's got butter in it.....we were gonna eat it.
We did a butter run fondue dip with fruit and pound cake. Greg had bought enough fruit to feed a hungry Army.....not a stuffed group of 8. We put a dent in it though.
Just enough to drool over the taste and then unbutton our jeans.
Tis the season to overeat I guess.
All in all it was a perfect night
We had great food with great friends.....what could be better than that.
Merry Christmas InCinC!!!!