I updated last weeks events and forgot to mention that I took Tyler and Timmy to a dr. appointment on Wednesday. It was just their regular check-up. They saw a new doctor this time since they are getting a little too old to continue seeing our female pediatrician, they felt more comfortable seeing a male dr. this time. I really liked this guy. He took a lot of time talking to us when he first got into the room. Talked to them about safety and nutrition, all that stuff the dr. tells you when you get a check up.
One thing I had planned on asking him about was Timmy's cheek. Last we heard, there was no fracture, but he had sinusitis. HUH? With no symptoms? I don't know....seems odd to me, but that's what they said. This never explained the bumps in his cheek under the skin. I told the dr. briefly about what had happened and he felt it and right away suggested we go to a plastic surgeon. He said he thinks he may be forming a keloid scar which would explain the bumpiness. So, now we have an appointment in Sept. for that. I'm still just amazed at what has all transpired with this injury.