"Tell your children of Him, and let your children tell their children, and their children to another generation." Joel 1:3

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


It's been a few days since the wedding and I'm really just recovering. I know, I know..that sounds dramatic, but honestly, it was quite the couple days! Thur. night I thawed out the cakes, got them filled and tiered then rewrapped. Friday morning, I started right after the boys got on the bus. I decorated the cakes from about 8am to 2pm. Lindsey's dad came and helped me bring them to the hall where I put them in the cooler until after the rehearsal dinner. That night I was able to set it up and just do everything but the flowers, which I quick did the next day.
We stayed over at the hotel on friday night and I got up to do hair at 7am. I did Lindsey and her 6 bridesmaids before 11am...just in time to get back to the room and get the boys ready and myself so that we could check out and get to the church. Turns out the photographer was 30 min late so I raced for nothing, but oh well....it all worked out. I'm kinda racing through this description too, but it was such a long 2 days, that any more details would take up too much time.
I really enjoyed the reception...we get so many compliments on the boys and the comments I got about the cake and hair were endless. It was pretty fun actually. The cake was soooo good, tons of ppl told me how good it tasted. The girls hair all was great too, I was really proud of that. It was a good night and it was so good to see Pat so happy. They make a great couple and I'm really happy for both of them.
I was thankful that there wasn't a gift opening on Sunday morning. We all slept til 10:30-11am. By 11:30 I told Jay I felt sick, I was soooo tired! I went up to bed and slept until 4pm!!! Would you believe I still went to bed by 11:30pm. I really needed that.
Fast forward to today. I had the mom's time girls here this morning and then at work tonight it was the first time I've washed my hair or put on makeup for days. LOL
I'm really mad at Jay right now, but I don't even want to get into that tonight. Maybe tomorrow. For now, I'm getting tired and should head to bed.

Was there a lighthearted moment today??? Well, it was sort of funny when Jeanne reminded me of the time I got to work and had realized that in my haste to get to work, I'd come in Jason's slippers. HAHA!! Okay, that made me laugh. I'd forgotten about that. Shoot, they're lucky I'm dressed half the time. :)

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