"Tell your children of Him, and let your children tell their children, and their children to another generation." Joel 1:3

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

T minus 2 days....

Cindy just called and told me that she ordered something to help Trae at night. She saw it on the Today Show this week. It's a bear and a story book and a scent. You read the book about a boy who sees scary things at night and the scent is there to relax and calm. It sounds really nice and it was so thoughtful of her. I hope this helps him feel better at night.

It's 2 days away from craziness! I'm really excited for the wedding and all that it entails. The actual day is in 3, but Friday is when I do the cake and get to the hotel and go to the rehearsal and set up the cake at night. AAAHH!!! Then it's up at 6:30am and off to do the hair for the bridal party! That will be so fun. I'm just pumped about the whole weekend. I just finished about 4 lists of what I need to do, pack, bring, get at work...etc. The wedding is far enough away that it would be a real pain to forget something, so I hope I'm covering all my bases. Tomorrow I pick up the frozen cakes from Kristin and after work, I'll fill and layer them and let them thaw overnight. Then the fun begins. Not sure if I'll be writing for a couple days then.

Jay is feeling better today. He says I cured him last night..wink, wink...He wanted a little more 'curing' this afternoon. :) He's at the Wild game tonight with Chuck. His mom gave him tickets for Christmas and tonight's the game night. I hope they're having a good time, it's so good for him to be able to get out and hang out with friends. I was glad he could do it, I just hate sitting home all day with the kids.

Well, I have a rather large pile of mismatched pj's on the floor that I need to put together. I've been getting a lot done around the house today so that I don't feel like I'm doing the cake and leaving for the night with a mess at home.

Lighthearted moment of the day.....definately when I looked outside at the boys playing in the backyard on a day that was a first for warm weather. Tony and Tanner had shovels and rather than putting snow into their wheelbarrel, they were shoveling mud from the middle of the yard. The best part was Jay looking out at them and just shaking his head. Not going out and laying into them...just looking at them and realizing that boys are boys are boys....and ours are no different.

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