"Tell your children of Him, and let your children tell their children, and their children to another generation." Joel 1:3

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Let's see...

Jay's been sick since yesterday. Okay, so he's got a cold...but I swear, you'd think the world was caving in. What is it about men that make them so bad at being sick?
I took the boys to see Horton Hears A Who today. It was really cute. It was even touching at times...not times that most would recognize though, I'm sure. I just was struck by the phrase used more than a couple times in it. "A person's a person, no matter how small" Yes. Very true.
After getting the boys home, I headed to Target and Walgreens where I spent too much money, once again, on Easter candy. I do this every year. I don't think I got a ton of stuff, but I'm sure when I fill the baskets tomorrow night, I'll be embarrassed at the amount of junk.
When dinner was over, we colored eggs. My favorite thing to do..next to decorating Christmas cookies. But hey, I do it for the boys and that part I enjoy.
I'm tired and it's late, so I'll keep it short tonight.

Lighthearted moment of the day....Trae telling me I was the best mom he's ever had. :)

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