"Tell your children of Him, and let your children tell their children, and their children to another generation." Joel 1:3

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The damn turkey

Okay, so just because I've let a 20 lb turkey sit out in the garage for the past 5 days doesn't mean that I'm just ignoring it. Does it? hmm....maybe.
The outside freezer broke, or so we thought, and so what better replacement than a cold winter night in Minne-so-cold. The thought was a good one, until today when the temp reached a forgotten 50 degrees. If Jason asks me about that damn bird one more time and tells me how 'warm' it's been out there in the garage, I'm gonna scream. I'd make it tomorrow but it's a no meat day. I suppose I could make it and we could just eat it all weekend. We'll see. My whole day is already mapped out with work, wrestling and life....a turkey doesn't easily fit into my equation.
Timmy was embarrassed today at school when he started crying during a film about Jesus on the cross. This is an image that he does not do well with. The mere thought of it bothers him and the slightest glance in the direction of the DVD "The Passion" makes him nuts. His teacher felt bad, not knowing his feelings about it. I know he'll get past this eventually, but for now, he prefers Spongebob and Drake and Josh.
Trae's blankie cure lasted only one night. Tonight, total meltdown again. Sigh......
I tried for 20minutes to talk to him and make him feel safe and calm only to have him start up as soon as my foot was out his door. I'm not good at being his therapist AND his mother. Think I'll stick to the one I know best. Not sure where to go from here.

Lighthearted moment of the day....Timmy walked in the door from school looking upset about something. Before he could tell me what had happened, Trae went up to him and gave him a hug. Timmy...a hug...from Trae...Wow. I nearly cried.

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