"Tell your children of Him, and let your children tell their children, and their children to another generation." Joel 1:3

Monday, October 25, 2010

Getting ready

We are having a fundraiser to help with the expenses of bringing Olivia home. Invites got sent out a couple weeks ago and suddenly it occurred to me that this thing is less than 2 weeks away. Holy cow! There is so much to do. We are having an Italian dinner, a silent auction, a DJ with dancing, and about 10 kids carnival games. And all this is happening at our house.
**This is the part where you drop your jaw and decide that Jen has officially lost her mind**
I looked at other places, really I did. But everything else was either too expensive, not big enough, no kitchen, bad location, etc..... So, thanks to some coaxing from my equally out of his mind brother, Pat....I decided to have it at the house. Sometimes Pat is just what I need to make me feel like I can do stuff like this. Jay is not the kind of person I can bounce these sort of crazy ideas too....he's too cautious and thinks too much. I get an idea in my head and then start to figure out a way to make it happen. Period.
Actually, I think it's going to turn out to be the best option all around. We won't be limited to a timeframe, we won't have to haul everything to and from, we won't have to give out directions to our friends, and all the kids with have stuff to do.
Here's the breakdown of the whole layout.
The foyer will have our ticket sales table.
The garage will be full of kids' games.
The main level family room will have tables set up with the silent auction stuff.
The living room with have the tables and chairs set up for dinner.
The kitchen will have the food buffet line.
The upstairs bedroom will be set up with toys and coloring table for the kids.
The downstairs will have the DJ and light show (compliments of our friend) for dancing or just hanging out.
What I don't know yet....
...where we will put everyone's coat?
small potatoes considering everything else. :)

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